
Presentation at CAT by Todd Ramsay

Today, Yeti Farm Creative owner and CCO Todd Ramsay came to speak to the first term students of the 2D Animation and Digital Art program at CAT. This was the first chance we’ve gotten to hear from a representative of an animation studio, and it was illuminating in a lot of ways. Todd took us through his history as an artist and how Yeti Farm was founded, and showed us several projects that he and his company have worked on.

It was reassuring to hear that, like me, Todd didn’t go straight into animation right out of school. He gave us some tips for success, and told us about a few things that had and hadn’t worked in his career. I especially appreciated that he took the time to answer all of our questions about the industry and about Yeti Farm candidly and directly.

Sometimes in school, a future career can feel a bit abstract and far away, and listening to Todd’s presentation made working as an animator feel a bit more real and tangible, bringing up (and answering) questions I didn’t know I had, relieving concerns, and giving me things to focus on as I continue to learn. I’m glad we had this presentation so early on in our program, and I appreciate Todd taking the time to speak to us.