
First Term of Animation School Complete

My first term at the Centre for Arts and Technology just finished today! Even though there are four more quarters to go, I’m thrilled with what I’ve learned so far, excited for what I’ll learn in terms to come, and proud of myself for all the work I did during the term and to get here. It’s hard to believe that we’ve already finished 20% of the program!

Here are some of the highlights from the term.

Rudolph running for almost four cycles, then jumping.
I tried something with the seams on the front of the sack that didn’t really work. Rather than making it look like the mass is rotating, they just look wrong. Unfortunately I realized this too late, but I’ve learned for next time.
First shot at effects animation.
Only the colour is my work. The original ink is by Zach Howard, and appears on the cover of Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Orions, issue 1A. Fun fact, I didn’t know what comic this was from when I began painting. My Star Trek senses are alive and well, apparently. (In Star Trek, Orions are aliens that look just like humans, except green.)
Our assignment was to do a painting of an eye. I’d like to continue working on getting the fine details in the skin texture right, but overall I’m pretty proud of how it turned out.

Next term, I’m looking forward to improving my life drawing skills, diving into acting in animation, and learning more about character design. We’re also taking a perspective class, and while I’ve already taken perspective, you can never practice it too much, and I’m excited to learn about organic perspective for the first time.